Singing Guide: Bob & Earl

Singing Guide: Bob & Earl

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Soul singing is a unique art form characterized by emotional intensity, vibrant rhythm, and a deep connection to the roots of African-American culture. Bob & Earl were a soul duo from America whose distinctive sound exemplified this style. From the mid-1950s to the early 1970s, the two singers, Earl Nelson and Bobby Byrd, recorded many soulful songs that are still enjoyed by people today. In this article, we will explore how to learn to sing like Bob & Earl by highlighting their unique vocal techniques and songs that showcase them. Additionally, we will provide practical advice on how to improve your soul singing abilities, with relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Bob & Earl's Unique Vocal Techniques

Bob & Earl's songs are known for their energetic rhythm, soulful melodies, and emotionally rich vocals. To learn to sing like them, here are some techniques you can focus on:

  1. Vibrato: One of the hallmarks of soul singing is the use of vibrato, a musical effect produced by a slight oscillation in pitch. Vibrato is particularly effective in soul music because it adds a layer of emotion and expressiveness to the singing. To learn this technique, try practicing with the Singing Carrots Vibrato exercise.
  2. Chest voice: Another key element of soul singing is the use of chest voice, the lower part of the vocal range. Chest voice provides a rich, warm sound that is perfect for soulful melodies. To master this technique, try focusing on the Singing Carrots Chest Voice exercise.
  3. Vocal breaks: Bob & Earl also employed vocal breaks, a technique that involves quickly changing from one vocal register to another. This technique adds variety and interest to the singing, and is often used in soul music to add a touch of unpredictability. To learn this technique, practice with the Singing Carrots Voice Breaks exercise.

Best Songs to Learn the Bob & Earl style

Now that you're familiar with the unique vocal techniques used by Bob & Earl, we recommend learning the following songs, which showcase these techniques perfectly.

  1. "Harlem Shuffle": This upbeat song is a great one to practice your vibrato and chest voice. The song is an excellent example of how Bob & Earl use these techniques to create a soulful sound that is both energetic and romantic.
  2. "Baby It's Over": Another classic song by Bob & Earl that highlights their soulful style, featuring vocal breaks and a smooth melody that accentuate the emotions of the lyrics.
  3. "Dancing Everywhere": This upbeat track is a great exercise for vocal breaks and fluctuating pitch control. By practicing this song, you can improve your ability to add variety and interest to your singing, something that is critical in soul music.

Tips to Improve Your Bob & Earl singing techniques

To improve your soul singing abilities, here are some tips you can follow:

  1. Practice regularly with Singing Carrots resources: Our Singing Carrots resources including pitch accuracy tests, vocal range tests, pitch training exercises, and vocal warm-ups, will help you perfect your singing abilities.
  2. Tweak your phrasing to suit the song: Singing is all about the emotion and connection to the song. Consider tweaking your phrasing according to the lyrics and tune.
  3. Focus on tonality: Every singer has a unique tone. Work on your tonality and stay true to your voice to create your sound.


Remember, to become a great soul singer, it takes patience, dedication, and consistent practice. Use the Singing Carrots resources provided in this article with resilience, and focus on perfecting your vocal techniques to become a master of soulful singing like Bob & Earl.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.